• Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum)


The true giant of the natural world and the largest living organism on earth, growing to almost 100 meters tall and 11 meters across, their bark alone can be over half a meter thick. They are also among the oldest living organisms on our planet with some trees living to over 3000 years. Native to the rugged Sierra Nevada Mountain range in California, these seemly indestructible giants are now starting to show signs of vulnerability in the natural world with the ongoing adverse effects of climate change. Ensuring the survival of these majestic tree’s is now a conservation priority.

Seasons: Evergreen.

Mature Size: 100m +.

Hardiness: USDA Zone 6. 

Climate: Moderate temperatures and moderate humidity levels preferred.

Location: Full sun but will tolerate lightly shaded positions.

Soil:  Soil must be moist and free draining.

Water: High water consumption.

Fertilizer: Apply balanced fertilizer (NPK 10-5-5).

Pests and Diseases: Generally problem free.

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Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum)

  • Product Code: Tree Seedling (Sold in 2.7 Litre Air Root Pruning Container)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R500.00

Tags: Tree Seedling